Bermuda Lawn Seed

A complete guide to establishing a beautiful lawn grass for a third of the cost of sod! For information on which lawn grass variety will best fit your application please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you!

Bermuda Lawn Grass Seed - Bermuda lawn grass seed varieties are among the most widely used warm-season grasses. Improved, fine-textured bermudagrasses are used throughout the south on home lawns, golf courses, athletic fields, and in high-profile residential and commercial landscapes where a fine-textured, dense ground cover is desired.


Bermudagrass produces a vigorous, medium green, dense turf that is well adapted to most soils and climates found in the Warm Climates. Bermudagrass has excellent wear, drought, and salt tolerance. It establishes rapidly and is able to outcompete most weed species. Bermuda lawn grass seed varieties provide home owners with a exceptional fine textured home lawn.

Improved Seeded Bermuda Grass Varieties

These newer seeded varieties have a darker green color, deeper roots, more shoot density, and a less coarse leaf texture than common bermuda grass. These varieties are suited for home lawns, sports turf and parks.

Premium Turf Quality Bermuda Lawn Seed Varieties:

Princess 77 Bermuda Grass Seed
Riviera Bermuda Grass Seed
Yukon Bermuda Grass Seed

Medium Turf Quality Bermuda Lawn Seed Varieties:

LaPrima XD Bermuda Grass Seed
Penn Select Bermuda Grass Seed
Majestic Bermuda Grass Seed
Blackjack Bermuda Grass Seed
Sahara Bermuda Grass Seed
Triangle Bermuda Grass Seed
LaPaloma Bermuda Grass Seed
Mohawk Bermuda Grass Seed
SR 9554 Bermuda Grass Seed
Veracruz Bermuda Grass Seed
Oasis Bermuda Grass Seed

Basic Turf Quality Bermuda Lawn Seed Varieties:

Common Bermuda Grass Seed
Hancock's Bermuda Grass Seed Mixtures

Maintenance of Florida Bermudagrass Lawns

Common and Turf-type bermudagrasses can be established from seed. Bermudagrass seed should be planted at a rate of 1 to 3 pounds of seed per 1000 square feet.

Proper fertilization of any lawngrass is an important component of the best management practices for your home lawn. Fertilization and other cultural practices can influence the overall health and quality of your lawn and will reduce its vulnerability to numerous stresses, including weeds, insects, and disease.

It is advisable for homeowners to have soil tests done annually. Your local Cooperative Extension Service office has recommendations and bags for taking soil samples and submitting them to the Extension Soil Testing Lab for analysis. In particular, phosphorous levels are best determined by soil testing. Since many Florida soils are high in phosphorous, little or no phosphorous may be needed for satisfactory lawn growth.

Maintaining a good-quality bermudagrass turf requires a properly planned fertilization program. Fertilizer timing and amounts for bermudagrass are based largely on the turf use. Generally, bermudagrasses require higher levels of fertilizer than other warm-season grasses for acceptable growth, durability, and appearance. Bermudagrasses can be maintained at moderate maintenance levels in areas such as lawns, athletic fields, or golf course fairways.

In general, two weeks following spring regrowth, apply a complete fertilizer such as 16-4-8 at the rate of ½ (water-soluble) to 1 (slow-release) pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. The three numbers refer to the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. For example, a 50-pound bag of 16-4-8 contains 16% nitrogen or 8 pounds total nitrogen. This bag will fertilize 8000 square feet at the rate of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet.

University of Florida guidelines for lawngrass fertility show a range of fertilizer application rates for various areas of the state that enable different species to grow successfully. These ranges are included to account for individual homeowner preferences for low-, medium-, or high-input grass. Additionally, localized microclimatic effects can have a tremendous effect on turfgrass growth, and a range of rates allows for these environmental variations. An example of this would be a typical home lawn that is partially shaded and partially sunny. The grass growing in the shade should receive lower rates of fertilizer than that growing in full sun. The guidelines are also separated into three geographical locations statewide as indicated in the table below. All rates are in pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet. For questions on how and when to apply these amounts, refer to Edis publication LH014, "General Recommendations for Fertilization of Turfgrasses on Florida Soils."

Fertilizer should be applied to bermudagrass in three to seven applications from spring green-up through fall. Do not apply nitrogen too early in the growing season, particularly in North Florida, or subsequent frosts may damage the grass. Likewise, don't fertilize too late in the year, as this can slow regrowth the following spring. If applying water-soluble forms at the lower application rate, it will take more applications to apply the total amount of fertilizer needed for the year than if applying a slow-release fertilizer form.


Mowing: Proper mowing practices are necessary to keep any lawn healthy and attractive. Both height and frequency of cut need to be adjusted for the level of turf management and season of the year. Under low to moderate levels of management, bermudagrass should be cut at a height of ¾ to 1½ inches, which may require mowing one to three times per week. Common bermudagrass should be mowed at the highest recommended heights. This will help the grass develop a deep root system and give it a better appearance. Under higher levels of management, bermudagrass can be maintained at a height of ½ inch if the turf is mowed daily during the growing season. Mowing at this height and frequency requires more fertilizer and water to maintain an attractive and durable turf. It should be noted that low cutting heights and high maintenance levels predispose the turf to many weed and pest problems. Under low to moderate management practices, mowing frequency should be adjusted to the amount of growth. Remove no more than 1/3 of the total leaf blade with any mowing.

A reel mower is preferred for cutting bermudagrass. This gives a cleaner cut, and these mowers can also be more accurately adjusted to low heights. In a home lawn situation, a rotary mower may be used if the blades are sharp and well-adjusted to get a clean, smooth cut and if the cutting height is high enough for the mower. Grass clippings can be left on turf maintained with low to moderate fertility levels if mowed at the proper height and frequency. The clippings do not contribute to thatch, and they provide supplemental sources of nutrients. Remove the clippings only if the amount is so excessive that clumps form, or if appearance is important.

Watering: An established bermudagrass turf should be watered as needed. Irrigation is needed when leaf blades begin to fold up, to actually wilt, to turn blue-gray in color, or when footprints remain visible after walking on the grass. Apply ¾ to 1 inch of water per application. This will apply water to roughly the top 8 inches of soil, where the majority of the roots are. To determine how much water a sprinkler system is providing, place several coffee cans throughout the irrigation zones to find out how long it takes to apply this amount of water. This is how long your irrigation system should run for each application.

During prolonged droughts, bermudagrass may go dormant if it does not receive irrigation. The grass will turn brown and stop growing during this dormant period, but it will revive and resume growth upon irrigation with sufficient amounts of water.

Pest Problems: Several severe pest problems can affect bermudagrass. Diagnosis and recommendations for treatment of pest problems are available from your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Refer to the pest sections of the Florida Lawn Handbook for additional information.

Nematodes: The most serious pests of bermudagrasses in Florida are nematodes. Nematodes cause yellowing and general thinning of older turf, especially during hot, dry periods. These pests cause extensive turf damage, particularly to turf grown on sandy soils or under high-maintenance regimes. Although some cultivars tolerate nematodes better than others, no cultivar is resistant to nematode infestation. Chemical nematode control is extremely limited for home lawns and usually requires commercial applicators. Following the cultural and fertilization recommendations in the Florida Lawn Handbook or Edis publication NG039, "Nematode Management in Residential Lawns," can help to alleviate some nematode damage.

Insects: Mole crickets are a major insect pest of bermudagrass. Other insects that cause damage in bermudagrass are sod webworms, armyworms, cutworms, grass loopers, and bermudagrass mites. High levels of nitrogen fertilizer encourage insect problems. There are several chemical controls available to treat insect pests, but these should be used only when necessary in conjunction with sound cultural and fertility practices.

Diseases: Bermudagrass is subject to many diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch, and Helminthosporium. A sound cultural program can minimize most disease problems, and fungicides can be used to cure major disease outbreaks.

Weeds: Weed problems in bermudagrass turf are a sign that the turf has become weakened by improper management practices or damage from pests. Refer to the Edis publication LH033, "Weed Control Guide for Florida Lawns," for more information. Proper management practices can eliminate most weed problems. If weeds are a persistent problem, herbicides labeled specifically for bermudagrass can be used for preemergent or postemergent weed control.

- Courtesy of:EDIS

Table 1. Comparison of lawngrasses available for use
Environment Bahia Bermuda Carpet Centipede Seashore Paspalum St. Augustine Zoysia
Area Adapted Statewide Statewide Wet Areas Statewide Statewide Statewide Statewide
Mowing Height (inches) 3-4 .5-1.5 1.5-2 1.5-2 1-2 1.5-4 1-2
Soil Acid, Sandy Wide Range Acid, Wet Acid, Infertile Wide Range Wide Range Wide Range
Leaf Texture Coarse-Medium Fine-Medium Medium Medium Fine-Medium Coarse-Medium Fine-Medium
Drought Tolerance Excellent Good Poor Medium Good Very Poor Medium
Salt Tolerance Poor Good Poor Poor Excellent Good Good
Shade Tolerance Poor Poor Fair Fair Poor Good Good
Wear Tolerance Excellent Good-Excellent Poor Poor Good-Excellent Poor Good-Excellent
Nematod Tolerance Very Good Poor Poor Poor Good Good Poor
Maintenance Levels Low Medium Low Low Medium Very High High
Uses Lawns Athletic Fields Wet Areas Lawns Lawns, Atlethic, Golf Lawns Lawns
Establishment Methods Seed, Sod Seed, Sod, Sprigs, Plugs Seed, Sprigs Seed, Sod, Sprigs, Plugs Seed, Sod, Sprigs, Plugs Sod, Sprigs, Plugs Seed, Sod, Sprigs, Plugs
- Courtesy of